We pray that this month is one of favour and increase upon your life!
Many times, we ask God to enlarge our territory and rain down blessings upon on us, and one of the ways he can do those things is through YOU!
You might be asking, “how?”
One of these ways is by starting your own business.
This month, Pastor Sam shares why you should consider being an entrepreneur and he offers practical steps on how start and lead your own business – God’s way.
One of the most important things to remember is that business is all about meeting a need. One way to determine those needs is by looking around you and seeing how you can add value to people’s lives.
God-given opportunities are everywhere, all around us!
Some other highlights from this month’s series around creating your own business are:
Starting your own business is one of the fastest ways to build wealth.
Becoming an entrepreneur is one pathway to financial freedom.
Starting a business can make you an employer, which places you in a better position to touch the lives of many.
To hear more practical and actionable tips on why starting a business is important and how you can go about doing it, listen to Pastor Sam’s sermon, here!
Remember, if you desire to start your own business, you can start with what you have or what your know – right now. Step out on faith by being a great steward of your time, talents and resources and watch God supply the increase!
“So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” 1 Corinthians 3:7 (ESV)
If you desire more in-depth instruction and access to a wealth of knowledge on this topic, request your copy of Pastor Sam’s “Do Business” sermon series today!