Hi There,
We pray you are having a blessed month!
We know you haven’t heard from us in a while, but we’ve been hard at work creating a brand new website to better serve you.
With this improved site, you’ll be able to easily navigate to find the resources you need, to stay updated on upcoming events and read thoughts shared by Pastor Sam!
This summer, there are so many exciting things in store for our ministry and we’re blessed to be able to share them with you.
Speaking of blessings, Pastor Sam’s latest sermon series, Irreversibly Blessed, is powerful – and it’s all about how to increase your capacity to be productive and live the life God has ordained especially for you.
Have you been asking God for a special blessing and it hasn’t manifested in your life yet?
Are you tired of living below your God-given and divinely-ordained potential?
Are you struggling with self-doubt and wondering if you are truly blessed by God?
Listen to excerpts of the Irreversibly Blessed series right here on our free audio podcast.
Pastor Sam provides all the tools to live a blessed life in his full, 4-part series and will help you answer all the questions above to get clear on how to live a blessed life.
Make the remainder of 2015 YOUR year of rich, transformative blessings by requesting the full-length Irreversibly Blessed series here today!
God Bless you,
Pastor Sam Adeyemi Ministries