We are three months into the year, the year that we are exploring UNUSUAL PROMOTION in our lives through our walk with Christ. We pray that this series has been able to bless you and help you navigate through the year 2015 with a new perspective. As we’ve explored concepts such as “Maximizing Opportunities” and “Positioning for Promotion,” this month Sam Adeyemi Ministries wants to encourage you with the series, “Promoted in Christ .”
In this month’s sermon series, Pastor Sam reminds us that in Christ we have received a massive status change. Promotion isn’t something that is going to happen to us as believers, promotion is something that has already happened, in Christ.
It is encouraging to know that once we have entered into a life with Christ we have already obtained his many promises. Here are two things to remember:
- Our promotion is not about anything that we have done or going to do. Our promotion is by God’s GRACE. (Ephesians 2: 4-6 ESV)
- You are now above Satan’s power! You are not a victim any longer; you are a victor in Christ Jesus. (Luke 10:19 ESV)
There is so much you will discover in the Supernatural Promotion Series. Sam Adeyemi would like to bless you with the Supernatural Promotion Series for love gift of $20 or more. Or if you would prefer we can send you the complete Supernatural Promotional Bundle for a love gift of $125 or more.
In this bundle you will receive:
- Positioning for Promotion – CD Series
- Supernatural Promotion CD Series
- Maximizing Opportunities CD Series
- Start With What You Have – Book
God Bless you
Sam Adeyemi Ministries