Hi friends,
We are now in December of 2018 where did time go? I hope you have discovered God’s grace in a new way this year. Our theme for 2018 has been ‘Soaring Higher’ and we have had testimonies and seen lives transformed through our broadcast this year and we too at Sam Adeyemi Ministries have been blessed with increase in every area.
We know as the year comes to an end, the thoughts of regret and self pity tends to creep in due to reflection which is healthy but unchecked it can be counter productive for us. Let me share how you can overcome ‘end of the year blues’. You will need a piece of paper and pen for this.
The first thing to do is be THANKFUL. Yes, be grateful for what you have and what you do not have. There is always something in our lives to be grateful for no matter how small. This year we shared a series on Thanksgiving and we discussed how to develop an attitude of gratitude always. 2018 might not have been your finest moment but you are still here to do something about it. You are still standing! Be thankful and I guarantee you if you do this you will even be more excited about 2019 and filled with new purpose.
Next thing to do is TAKE STOCK. Take time out to look at what hasn’t worked and how you could do better next time. It is very important to do this so we can grow. If you have made certain investments and they didn’t pan out how you hoped, walkthrough it and you will discover what you could do better next time. Don’t give up, never give up and stay focused.
Pray about everything. Nothing is out of God’s reach in your life and I mean nothing. Sometimes we can get so caught up in what is not working and how we need to work hard that we start to think God isn’t interested in the smallest detail in our lives. St. Augustine quotes says- pray as though everything depends on God and work as though everything depends on you. Yes, work hard and act in faith but prayer can never be substituted with works. The scriptures said: the holy spirit will guide you into all truths. Prayer is how we stay connected, receive clear guidance and discover new dreams and visions for our lives.
Set goals – We have had many teaching on goal setting and how to achieve them. Go to samadeyemi.net online store for more on these.
We will repeat this again set goals and break them down into more actionable tasks. Goals give us purpose daily and they position us in the right direction. If you don’t have a goal then you will be wasting your time on earth. Set goals and don’t be afraid to dream big.
Finally, help others find their way. You will be surprised how much you would learn and grow when you teach or show other people how to be better. Don’t keep your victories or solutions to yourself why not share it. Your life can’t just be about you and your needs. If your life is all about you then your life is limited to just you. Help others get what they want or need and you will even have more than you could ever dream or pray for. I hope you would share this with other people. We would like to hear from you so email us or connect with us on social media.
Your best is yet to come!
Sam Adeyemi Ministries