2016 Is The Year of Taking Territories!

By January 6, 2016 June 1st, 2017 No Comments

Dear Friends,

We are now in 2016 and I’d like to be one of the first to say, Happy New Year to you!

2015 was an amazing year for the ministry of Sam Adeyemi with the opening of our new office in Atlanta, USA. We now reach more people across the globe through our media ministry using TV and Radio, Online than ever before.


We are so excited about everything to come 2016, but in particular we will be holding our first conference in the USA this year! Watch out for details on this.

I truly believe that this is your year…the year to take territories!

2015 seems like it went by so quickly. Doesn’t it all feel like a blur? Perhaps we need to slow down for a moment.

I sometimes feel that as our lives become busier, it is not necessarily that things are moving faster but we are putting so much into our days that make us sometimes as ourselves the question: “where did the days/weeks/months go?”

I urge you: take a MOMENT and just STOP.

  • Now think about 2015: have you achieved everything you set out to do?
  • Did you spend quality time with the people with whom you really wanted?
  • Did you miss spending valuable time with someone close to you? Do you feel you should have been spending more TIME with that person?

Now that you’ve answered those questions (and if you’re not satisfied with your answers), what can you do about this?


When you pause or stop for a moment it is not a bad thing. Pausing gives you time to reflect and understand the best way to use the valuable time God has given you.

2016 is going to be a wonderful year for you. I truly believe this is the year of Taking Territories!

I want to encourage you not just to take more time with the right people but also focus on being successful in all that you do. Try not to have too much going on that you are not effective in your personal and working life.

Proverbs 3:6 says, “In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make a straight your path.”

Thank you so much for your support and prayers during 2015. The ministry of Sam Adeyemi could not reach all the people we do for Christ if it were not for you!

And remember, 2016 is your year of Taking Territories!

Happy New Year!

Sam Adeyemi Ministries