Forgiveness DEC 2016 Newsletter.
WOW! It’s our favorite time of the year! It’s Christmas!
We love Christmas not just the lights, presents and holiday atmosphere of festivities. We love christmas because Christmas is about GIVING! Christmas is all about giving something and this could be your time, food, money, sharing what you have,reconciling, caring and more. The bible says “for God so loved the world that He gave…” Can we just say God started the entire act of christmas by giving us what was precious to Him and how wonderful is that.
On our current broadcast series we are discussing forgiveness, what it really means to forgive, the benefits of forgiveness, the power of forgiveness and much more. Do you know that Christmas is tied to forgiveness when you look closely? The reason why Jesus Christ was born was for our forgiveness or reconciliation of mankind to God. The birth of Christ is probably one of the first act of proof of God’s forgiveness for us.
This christmas we would like to encourage you dear friend to reflect and engage God’s power for forgiveness this season. Let it all go and let God do all the work whilst you rest in Him. You can say to yourself right now I am over it by God’s grace and I will make amends by extending this love that you have to someone else who probably doesn’t deserve it in your opinion. Start today and do not delay! Start Christmas by giving yourself rest through forgiveness.
We are so excited and believe that God has plans for your relationships, life, family , work, purpose, future and much more. Do listen to the free podcast here , watch a free video from the series here and subscribe for more updates. We are so excited and looking forward to 2017 that we can’t wait to share the good news with you. Watch out for our end of the year updates. Share this post with your world and start christmas today.
We love you and merry christmas!
Sam Adeyemi Ministries