How have you been? We hope we’ve all had a good month so far. Here is part 4 of our series for the month – “marriage”. We’d like to go through a few more scriptures regarding this theme.
The bible says in Psalm 125: 1-2 “Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount zion. They will not be defeated but they will endure forever.” A life that is built on trust in God is not moved with the things and by the things of this world. He is unfazed with the economy and the things that may be going around. So is the marriage that is built on trust in God. The bible says in Matthew 7:24-27, “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is like a man who built his house on the rock. And the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”
Prayer brings God’s presence into our lives. Prayer helps us to hear what heaven says concerning us. Our lives and marriages will be filled with prayer. It keeps us aligned with God’s plans and purposes for our lives. Blessings come from relationships. Relationships may also amplify your insecurity. Thankfully we can call on the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom, knowledge and understanding to navigate all of this. Marriage is the union of two imperfect people. If you don’t respond to situations God’s way, you may act outside of God’s plan for your life.
A simple instruction from God concerning your marriage can solve a lot of issues. The bible says in James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” It is God’s job to take care of the complex parts so you can leave it all to him. Another advantage of trusting God with your marriage is that married couples enjoy divine intervention together. Where two or three are gathered together as my followers, I am there in the midst of them. Speak life, speak what you want over their lives. Satan causes conflict in marriage to prevent agreement in prayer.
We pray that God will give us rich fulfillment in our relationships, in Jesus’ name.
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Have a great month.
Sam Adeyemi Ministries.